Associations Management

Associations are powerful membership-based organizations that earn credibility for being desired by affiliate members and partners and for being not-for-profit. However, they also have their unique challenges due to their limited resources and the difficulty to keep members engaged and retained in today’s environment. The mandates for future associations are changing from what it has been over the past few years and therefore today’s associations need either reasonable modernization or complete re-invention.

At QBase Management, we have deep understanding of the challenges, symptoms and how to deal effectively with the new challenges. We come equipped with our advanced research, models, tools, resources and solutions to put our client associations ahead of their counterpart and add tremendous value to their members. We have developed advanced solutions to address key areas for associations such as growing membership ,creating natural engagement, developing multi-stream revenues, offering more enhanced benefits, and designing modern relevant educational programs. We have also developed a progressive 5-stages maturity model that we lead associations through to ensure measurable operational excellence

We believe that today’s associations mission should be in-line with Zig Zaglar’s quote “Help people get what they want and you will get everything you want” and we would like to help Associations on this path to success. Our offerings come in pre-defined 5 service packages that could be customized to any association’s needs, goals and current status. Whether it is for Full Service Association Management, partial Operational Involvement or Special Projects, we can help. Contact Us for more details